Watershed Camp for Teachers Begins July 11

The Watershed for Every Classroom place-based learning program provides teachers inspiration, knowledge and skills to teach about the watershed. Photo by CBEI.
LCC and other Champlain Basin Education Inititative partners are seeking a few more educators for the upcoming Watershed for Every Classroom five-credit graduate course. The course begins in July 2016 and ends in May 2017. Educators will explore the rich environmental and cultural resources of the Lake Champlain Basin, practice activities and protocols to use with their students and learn first-hand information from scientists, historians, and field experts. They will explore water quality issues while paddling along the LaPlatte River, conduct physical, chemical and biological water quality testing on the Ausable River system, explore South Lake historic sites, learn about basin geology atop Mt Philo, investigate stormwater issues and green infrastructure, visit vegetable and dairy farms, row long boats, and venture to locations in Vermont, the Adirondacks, and Québec to dive deeper into issues. Participants will gain new insight as adult learners and then transfer their knowledge to their students through curriculum components which will meet their regional and state learning expectations. The $500 fee includes housing and meals for single overnights in July, October and May. Graduate credits are available at additional cost. Download an informational flier for yourself or to pass on to a teacher.
Watershed for Every Classroom is a project of the Champlain Basin Education Initiative (CBEI). The partners include the Lake Champlain Committee, Lake Champlain Basin Program, Shelburne Farms, UVM Watershed Alliance/Sea Grant, Our Curriculum Matters, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources/Project WET, and others working to promote environmental and cultural place-based education throughout the Lake Champlain watershed.