About the Lake Champlain Committee
The Lake Champlain Committee is dedicated to protecting Lake Champlain’s environmental integrity and recreational resources for this and future generations through science-based advocacy, education and collaborative action.
LCC was formed by New York and Vermont community members in 1963 to prevent the lake from becoming a commercial seaway for ocean-going vessels. From that victory we went on to advocate against a nuclear power plant being built on the Charlotte, Vermont shore and to help prevent the artificial regulation of lake levels. The Lake Champlain Committee is the only bi-state watershed-based nonprofit dedicated solely to protecting Lake Champlain’s environmental integrity and recreational resources. For more than six decades, LCC has worked for drinkable, fishable, swimmable water and inclusive access. As the lake’s leading advocate for protection and restoration we have a legacy of action and a solid track record of achievements. LCC’s policy and advocacy work is focused on the issues that most affect lake health: climate change, nutrient loading, contaminants, and aquatic invasive species. We believe that an informed and involved public is key to lake protection. Our educational programs seek to build environmental literacy and foster stewardship. Community science monitoring is part of our organizational DNA.
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