Send LCC Your Photos!
LCC is looking to expand our photo stock of pictures for our articles, slideshows, social media, and website, and we need your help to do it! Whether it’s covered in ice or reflecting the summer sky, Lake Champlain is a stunning part of the natural landscape. Have you glimpsed the lake from the top of a ski-lift, or taken in the view after a long hike? Do you love to sail, skate, or paddle across its surface? Have you ever gone to the lake to fish in the early morning, or traveled there at night to look at the stars? Whether it’s a beautiful vista, an unusual water phenomenon, or people exploring the lake, we welcome your photographs!
Submit your pictures of life on and around the water (swimming, fishing, skating, boating, natural history and more!) and help us share images of Lake Champlain in all its moods and magic.
Photo submission guidelines:
- Photos should include a statement by the photographer giving LCC permission to use them for outreach and educational purposes, both online and in print.
- Photos taken on the water should follow good water safety practices – such as wearing a PFD (personal flotation device) when paddling!
- Due to uploading limits, photos can’t exceed a 10 Mb maximum file size per upload.
- Please label your photos as follows: Date (YYYY-MM-DD)_Name of Photographer_Location_Photograph Description. For example: 2022-6-10_Jane Smith_Isle La Motte_Spring Kayaking - photo 1 of 5. Labeling photos before submitting them is very important, as LCC receives hundreds each season!

If you have any trouble uploading photos via the form, please reach out us to lcc@. Thank you for getting involved!