Take the Way to Go Commuter Challenge Any or all days May 16 - 20

Way to Go is an annual program co-founded by LCC to promote the use of cheaper, healthier, more earth-friendly alternatives to driving alone. Individuals, businesses, schools, and organizations can all easily participate. Just pledge to get to work, school or play by walking, biking, carpooling, taking the bus or telecommuting at least one day May 16 - 20. Help make a difference in our air and water quality by signing up online! Your pollution, gas and money savings will be calculated and you'll be entered into a drawing for great prizes - IPods, a cordless electric mower, snowboards, overnight stays, bus passes, gift certificates, and more! Whether you live in the Lake Champlain Basin year-round or just visit here occasionally, we hope you'll join in the event.
Commute green and save green by registering today! To learn the fuel efficiency rating, energy impact and carbon footprint for the vehicle you drive, check out http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/sbs.htm.