Shout Out to Angela Shambaugh!

Angela Shambaugh, veteran cyanobacteria monitoring partner at the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VT DEC), checking water transparency. Photo from VT DEC.
We send heartfelt thanks to Angela Shambaugh, our longstanding cyanobacteria monitoring program colleague who retired in October from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VT DEC). Angela has been a key partner in the monitoring program since its inception in 2003. In the early years she assisted in lab analysis, cyanobacteria assessments, water sampling, and community outreach while working at the University of Vermont. As a VT DEC Environmental Scientist she oversaw the technical aspects of the program for 16 years. She loved looking at water quality samples under the microscope to help solve sampling mysteries and identify less common lake phenomena. Angela brought national caliber scientific expertise to the program and was always a pleasure to work with. She will be deeply missed by everyone at LCC but we have her home phone number on speed dial! We wish her well!