Sewage Spill in Shelburne - Get Notified

Shelburne's wastewater facility recently . Image from Google.
On July 20, 110,000 gallons of unchlorinated sewage were discharged to Shelburne Bay from the wastewater treatment plant in Shelburne. The discharge occurred due to a “malfunction” at the plant. The situation was resolved and chlorination began the next day. This was one of seven public alerts issued for wastewater discharges in Vermont in the month of July. A year ago, a power failure led to the discharge of 10,000 gallons of sewage from Shelburne. In that case, the battery backup for a computer failed, turning the computer off, and preventing alarms from being sent to operators when the discharge began. Vermonters can subscribe to receive email or text notifications whenever sewage, wastewater, stormwater or other unpermitted discharges are released into Vermont's lakes, rivers and ponds. Subscribers can narrow their notifications to a specific water drainage basin or receive notifications for the entire State. Sign up through this State of Vermont website.