Save the Date ~ October 1 is LCC’s 48th Annual Meeting!

Built on the Chazy shore in 1913 by George and Eliza Hubbell, the "Big House" is the largest Adirondack style "shed" in New York. Graphic from Pete and Jane Hubbell.
Please join Lake Champlain Committee board, staff and friends at "The Big House" at Sunnywood in Chazy, New York on Saturday, October 1st. Guests are welcome to attend all or parts of LCC's Annual Meeting.
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM LCC Business Meeting
Learn about LCC’s work in the field, on the water and in the community.
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Guest Address
“The Great Floods of 2011”
Bill Howland, Manager of the Lake Champlain Basin Program, will present a dramatic slideshow covering historic spring flooding, Tropical Storm Irene, and how we can protect our waterways in the future. A question and discussion period will follow.
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Light Fare and Site Tours
Grab a bite to eat, take a stroll, paddle or swim, or simply relax on the lovely porch.
Savory and sweet treats from the Champlain Valley will be served thanks to Chapin Orchard, Great Harvest Bread Company, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Klinger's Bread Company, Lake Champlain Chocolates, Mirabelles Cafe, Myer's Bagel Bakery, Shelburne Orchards, Sugarsnap, Vermont Butter & Cheese, and more.
Sunnywood Talk & Walk – Hear the storied history of the Hubbell Family property from hosts Jane and Patti Hubbell followed by a short walk along the wooded shoreline of Sunnywood and Monty Bay.
Shoreline Paddle – LCC members and veteran paddlers Ruth Miller and Rob and Sherry Libby will lead an hour-long paddle along the lakeshore. Participants must bring their own boats, paddles, and PFDs. Weather cancels at the discretion of the leaders.
LCC’s annual meeting is free and family and friends are welcome. The gathering is a wonderful way to meet other people who share your concern for the lake while enjoying a beautiful lakeshore setting. Sincere thanks to Rob Stafford, Pete and Jane Hubbell and the friends of “The Big House” for enabling LCC members to gather at Sunnywood. We hope to see you lakeside on Saturday, October 1st! Reservations are appreciated to ensure we have enough chairs and food! RSVP to LCC Office Manager Jessica Rossi at jessicar@.
Directions to "The Big House" at Sunnywood in Chazy, NY
From New York: From I 87 N take Exit 40, turn right on Rte. 456 to blinking light. ***Turn left on Rte 9 and go N for 3 1/4 miles to Dunn Rd. Turn right to the lake. At the end of Dunn Rd turn left on Lakeshore Rd. The Sunnywood sign and driveway (marked with an American Flag) are on the right after one mile (old dairy barns on left). Park where signs indicate.
From I 87 S take Exit 40, turn left on Rte 456 to blinking light. Follow directions from *** above.
From Alburg, VT / Rouses Point Bridge: Off bridge turn left on Rte. 11. Follow Rte. 11 to I87 and head S to Exit 40. Turn right on Rte 456 to blinking light. Follow the directions from *** above.
From Vermont: Take I 89 to Exit 17. Head west on Rte. 2 to intersection with Rte. 134. Turn left to the Grand Isle ferry (about 2 miles). Leaving ferry in NY, follow main road out of ferry dock area to Rte. 9. At Rte. 9 intersection, go straight and take I87 N to Exit 40. Turn right on Rte 456 to blinking light. Follow the directions from *** above.
Ferry Information
The Grand Isle/Cumberland Head ferry has 24-hour service. For schedule information: (802) 864-9804 or
Round-trip rates: Vehicle and driver: $18, Adult passenger: $6.25, Kids (6-12): $2.75, Kids under 6: free, Bicyclist: $1.25