Paddling Celebration<br> March 26 – 27 at Canoe Imports

Photo by Ruth Miller
On March 26th -27th Canoe Imports, of South Burlington, one of the early business supporters of the Lake Champlain Paddlers’ Trail will host a two day celebration of paddling in Vermont. The program includes a showing of whitewater, canoe and sea kayak movies, a river festival, and a white water race. In addition, members of the Lake Champlain Committee and other selected non-profits will receive a discount on items purchased at the Canoe Imports store on Friday from 10 AM – 6 PM. On Saturday, if you become a member of LCC, you will receive a 10% discount on boats and 20% discount on accessories from 10 AM – 2 PM. Come stop by our booth on Saturday and say hi! To find out more information, visit the Canoe Imports website.