May 16 Living With Vermont's Rivers

Tropical Storm Irene led to many questions about river management that will be addressed at a May 16th conference co-sponsored by LCC. Photo by VT DEC.
May 16 8:15 AM - 4:30 PM
A conference on the science of rivers and river management
Convened by VNRC in partnership with LCC and other organizations
Capitol Plaza Hotel
100 State Street, Montpelier, VT
*Please register in advance to ensure there's enough seating.
Conference registration and agenda
Join us for a beginner-intermediate conference on river science issues specifically designed for municipal officials, consultants, contractors, legislators, curious citizens, watershed group members and farmers. Using case studies, speakers will discuss the various aspects of what makes rivers stable - or unstable - such as: gravel extraction, roads and bridges, agricultural practices, downtown development, stormwater, dams and flood plains. Hear Vermont examples of what has and has not worked over time to minimize conflicts between our rivers and our development. No previous river science background is required and the conference is free and open to all. Please register in advance to ensure there's enough seating.