LCC Helps Develop BioFinder

Important biological data previously hidden in filing cabinets will soon be available on one very cool map!
The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (VT ANR) is on the verge of releasing a new map of biological resources in the state. This map goes well beyond what might appear on a flat piece of paper. VT ANRs’ BioFinder project will provide an important new tool for assessing the significance of Vermont lands and waters for conservation planning and education. The product will compile in one accessible place decades of vital and informative data that have previously hidden in various file cabinets spread out over the state.
VTDigger reported Eric Engstrom, a cartographer working on the project, as saying, “Not only will it create a whole new way to look at Vermont, but this map will underscore that GIS is bringing a revolution to what maps can do”. LCC Staff Scientist Mike Winslow shared his extensive knowledge of Lake Champlain and other aquatic ecosystems to help develop the BioFinder as a member of the Aquatics Working Group. “His scientific knowledge and balanced perspectives have had a very positive result on the project results, which will be available by the end of 2012,” said project leader Eric Sorenson.