LCC Bird Walks -- What a Tweet!

A flock of LCC birders at Oakledge Park. Photo by Alexa Hachigian.
For the third year running LCC hosted morning bird walks at Oakledge Park in Burlington on Fridays during May. The shoreline strolls are an opportunity to reach out to our neighbors, share our love of nature, and take advantage of a local resource. The walks and talks are targeted to beginning birders and between 18 and 30 people participated each week. LCC Staff Scientist Mike Winslow shared expertise on how to identify birds by sight and sound. Over the four-week period we found 49 different species. We watched a diving Caspian tern, got buzzed by a hunting merlin, and found the nest of a tufted titmouse. Thanks to everyone who joined in and to the Burlington Bagel Bakery for supporting our post walk breakfast!