Law Journal Focuses on Lake Champlain

Diving deep behind the laws. Cover from VT Journal of Environmental Law.
The Vermont Journal of Environmental Law dedicated an entire issue to Lake Champlain. The issue includes 18 articles ranging from the history of Lake Champlain to the role of phosphorus to the state structure for dealing with pollution issues all before getting into the legal components of total maximum daily loads (TMDL) and the Clean Water Act.
The introductory note from the editorial board explained the novelty of the issue. “Unlike a standard issue of a legal journal that has articles written almost exclusively by lawyers, law professors, and law students, this issue also provides articles written by scientists, engineers, and policymakers who had direct influence on the development of the 2016 Lake Champlain TMDL. These authors provide a rare opportunity to combine into one book the first-hand knowledge of a major regulatory framework.” LCC’s Mike Winslow provided an article on the natural and human history of Lake Champlain.
The Vermont Journal of Environmental Law was founded in 1996. It is a student-run organization dedicated to publishing scholarship on environmental issues. LCC encourages anyone interested in Lake Champlain to at least skim the issue and scroll through articles of interest. It is sure to increase your knowledge of the lake and lake management.