How Dangerous is Microplastic?

Never heard of microplastics? Dr. Ivleva’s interview is the perfect chance to learn more! Photo courtesy of ENN.
“Dr. Natalia Ivleva, a researcher with the Technical University of Munich (TUM), has developed new analytical methods for the identification and quantification of microplastic. In this interview, she shares her latest findings.” Environmental News Network.
Microplastics are a long-overlooked pollutant in waterbodies all around the world, from the Atlantic Ocean to Lake Champlain. You can also learn more about plastic in Lake Champlain by attending the World Water Day celebration on March 21, 2018, where guest speaker Dr. Danielle Garneau will present on “Plastics in Lake Champlain: How you can help”.
Click here to view the full interview on the Environmental News Network website.