Dispose of Pharmaceuticals Properly at 9/25/10 Nationwide “Take Back” Event

Not sure what to do with leftover medicines collecting in your cabinet? The U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration is sponsoring a nationwide collection event for unused, unwanted or expired drugs. On Saturday September 25 from 10:00 to 2:00 there will be free, anonymous drop-offs at numerous locations throughout the basin on both sides of the lake. Drugs and pharmaceuticals that are disposed of improperly can pass through sewage treatment plants and end up in the lake unchanged. Don’t flush unused medicines down the toilet or put them in the trash, bring them to a “Take Back” event for safe disposal. To find a collection site near you, just type in a zip code or city at this web page link: www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/takeback/. Check your medicine cabinets and spread the word.