Crown Point Bridge Closed for Good

Photo by Lori Fisher
New York Governor David A. Paterson and Vermont Governor Jim Douglas have received a report from their states' respective transportation agencies which finds that it is not feasible to rehabilitate the Champlain Bridge. Engineers have declared that the 80-year-old span is too unstable to be renovated, and recommend demolishing the bridge for the safety of motorists and boaters. The Federal Highway Administration is expected to concur with the recommendation based on their preliminary review of the report. Transportation officials anticipate building a new bridge as close as possible to the current location.
A free ferry service will be established near the existing bridge in the coming months. A free ferry service is now running between Ticonderoga, New York and Shoreham, Vermont and the Lake Champlain Transportation’s Essex/Charlotte ferry service is also free. Additionally, a free express bus service now brings commuters to three major employers in Vermont, while a pedestrian ferry service was established north of the Lake Champlain Bridge between Westport, New York and Basin Harbor, Vermont.
A toll-free hotline number for information about the bridge closure - 1-888-769-7243 - will remain open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Those calling from the 518 area code may dial 518-485-1159. The New York State outreach center is located in the Lake Champlain Visitors Center at 814 Bridge Rd. in Crown Point. Interested residents of both states can get regular email updates by signing up at their respective state transportation agency websites at in New York, and in Vermont. The full report on the bridge is available at and