Blue Green Algae Monitors Needed

LCC intern, Gwen Dunnington, taking a water sample in Missisquoi Bay. Photo by Allison Freeman
LCC is gearing up for another monitoring season and are in search of blue green algae monitors for St. Albans Bay and possibly Missisquoi Bay. These locations often have the highest density of algae blooms, so they’re important to maintain. We may need additional volunteers later in the year so please stay tuned. LCC will provide sampling equipment, training, and ongoing support. Willing volunteers need to be able to take water samples between 10AM and 2PM on Sundays or Mondays between June 30th and September 1st and deliver them to a designated drop-off location. Samples are taken in very shallow water, so a boat is not necessary as long as the volunteer has access to the shore. If you’re interested, please contact LCC Staff Scientist Mike Winslow at 802-658-1461 or mikew@. Thanks! Click on these links for more information on lakechamplaincommittee.orgblue green algae and LCC’s volunteer monitoring program.