April 22 - Go Out for Earth Day

Head outdoors for Earth Day. Photo by Carolyn Bates.
Go out for Earth Day – outside that is. Take a stroll, a hike, a bike ride, a paddle, a run, or go fishing in the great outdoors. Breath some fresh air, take in the sunshine – or the rain, watch the stars. Commune with nature. Getting out into the greenery can boost your mood and your health. Research indicates that spending time in forests and nature areas helps people recover from stress and fatigue.
Plants and trees are living, breathing air filters - they detoxify the air by absorbing many substances that can be harmful to humans, like excess carbon dioxide and dust particles. Exercising on a natural terrain like trails, hills, grass fields or in water helps improve musculoskeletal health. Celebrate the forests, wetlands, meadows, shoreline and waterbodies of mother earth by spending some time exploring them.