April 19th Cat Walk for Water to Benefit LCC

Stylists and students from O’Brien’s AVEDA Institute and O’Brien’s salons are teaming up to produce a fun night of hair and fashion! Students will create looks based on themes of Earth, Air, Fire and Water and dress each model head to toe in recycled garments. Doors open at 6:30 PM and the show starts at 7 PM on Tuesday, April 19th at Club Venue in Colchester on Porter’s Point Road (right near the Sunset Drive-In). Come join us for a fun night of music, recycled fashion and hair with flair in support of a good cause! Purchase your tickets in advance for $10/person at the O’Brien’s AVEDA Institute at 1475 Shelburne Road, South Burlington or O’Brien’s salons in Burlington, Essex Junction or South Burlington. Tickets will be available at the door for $15. All proceeds go to LCC’s water protection and restoration programs. If you’d like to help out with the event, please contact us at lcc@. lakechamplaincommittee.org