If you’ve paddled, taken a swim, or cast a fishing line in the waterbodies of the Lake Champlain Basin, you’ve likely spent time among one of the most enigmatic and imperiled groups of aquatic animals in our region: native freshwater mussels. They’re quirky—sporting hatchet-like shells and traveling by a single fleshy foot, yet familiar—related to the invasive zebra mussel and edible bivalves such as scallops. Read...
News from Selected Month
The Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) turned Vermont's climate emissions reductions goals into binding requirements and led to the creation of the Vermont Climate Council. The Council is in the early stages of developing a climate action plan to ensure we meet our emissions targets, prioritize our most vulnerable communities, and build a stronger, more resilient economy. Key to that effort is bringing in additional stakeholder perspectives and issues expertise through the Council's Subcommittees (see list below). Read...
Environmental leaders applaud Governor Scott’s commitment to funding increases for Vermont’s people, environment, and
economy. The proposed 2021 budget includes a boost to weatherization funding for low- and moderate-income households;
support for clean energy and transportation options; investments in our public lands; and improvements to our downtowns and village centers. Read...
Each year, the Vermont Clean Water Network hosts a Clean Water Policy Forum focusing on legislative and regulatory issues.
Register to hear Jared Carpenter, LCC's Water Protection Advocate, talk about the latest clean water issues under consideration in the current legislative session, and updates on Clean Water Service Providers and Vermont Agency of Natural Resources budgeting. Read...