The Transportation Department recently released new emergency rules in response to a series of fiery rail crashes of trains carrying crude oil from the Bakken Fields of North Dakota. Read...
News from Selected Month
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman released a report on the effectiveness of wastewater treatment facilities at removing microbeads. The report found microbeads in effluent of 25 of 34 New York wastewater plants sampled, demonstrating that they are not removed by standard wastewater processing, but instead pass into the environment. Read...
What's worse than picking up dog poop?
Stepping in it.
What's worse than stepping in dog poop?
Swimming or fishing in or drinking water with dog poop in it.Read...
The water quality bill in Montpelier passed the full House on April 2 by a vote of 133-11. The bill has since been amended and approved by the Senate Natural Resources Committee on a vote of 4-1 with the lone dissenter calling for even stronger regulation of forestry practices. Read...
Help assess Lake Champlain water conditions around the lake as a blue-green algae monitor! <link get-involved volunteers bgamonitors blue-green-algae-monitor-interest-form>Complete our blue-green algae monitor form if you're interested in monitoring during the 2015 season or want to attend a training session to learn more about the lake. Feel free to share this invite with other lake lovers. Read...
Over the last three years the Lake Champlain Committee has been collecting data in a study to determine the effectiveness of agricultural best management practices. The study, led by Stone Environmental, measures run-off from two nearby farm fields at each of six sites then applies a best management practice to one of the fields. Read...
Sometimes increasing society’s resilience to future floods means abandoning things we built in the past. Following Tropical Storm Irene there have been at least 30 flood-prone properties purchased with an additional 67 buyouts planned. Read...
Spring flooding presents a challenge to the trees living along rivers. They risk root death due to water -logged soils and don’t yet have their leaves to produce oxygen to pump down to the roots. Read...
Stowe Doodie Day, Friday Bird Walks in May with LCC, Way to Go week and Blue-green Algae Monitor Training! Read...
Dead Fish – A Sign of Spring, Albany Advances Money for Water, EPA Forwards Water Rule, Using Satellites to Monitor Algae Blooms, Goldfish Threaten Colorado Lake, California Water Crisis and more... Read...
Here are a few ideas for how to celebrate our planet and the corner we call home from your friends at LCC. Read...