Native Aquatic Plant Art Prints
Sign up here to borrow the set!
Do you have a space like a gallery, library, classroom, or meetinghouse? Add educational and artistic flair to your walls with our art prints of native aquatic plants! LCC has sets of fifteen prints showing off the beautiful and unique flora of Lake Champlain that you can borrow for display, along with accompanying educational materials. Help people learn about and grow appreciation for the too-often undervalued plants written off as weeds. The plants of Lake Champlain include descendants of the oldest flowers on earth, some of the smallest plants on earth, and a predator who strikes in fractions of a second.
The print package consists of:
- Seven 21” x 29” PVC prints of individual species
- Five 19” x 26” PVC prints of individual species
- Three 16” x 22” PVC prints of individual species
- Two 18” x 24” paper posters (double sided) showcasing all fifteen species (see the poster here)
- Sets of laminated 4” x 6” plant identification cards (with a card corresponding to each species) (see the ID cards here)
- Sets of 8.5” x 11” factsheets for each plant species (access the factsheets here)