April Stools’ Days 2020!

Due to the need to stay home, stay local and physically distance from each other to slow the spread of Covid-19 infection, LCC won’t be holding our usual April Stools’ Day events in 2020. Instead we’re asking members and friends to head out on foot in April to scoop the poop before spring rains wash nutrient and bacteria-laden hound mounds into nearby waters. Don gloves, grab a bag-lined bucket and a garden trowel and check nearby paths, sidewalks, or trails for dog doo. Take a selfie of you and your quarry before depositing your bag in the trash. Submit information and picture(s) of your poop scooping effort via the form below to be entered into our prize drawing! You could win an LCC gift membership, a gift certificate to a local veterinarian, a Planet Pack or other cool options.

Photo submission guidelines:

  • Photos should include a statement by the photographer giving LCC permission to use them for outreach and educational purposes, both online and in print.
  • Due to uploading limits, photos can’t exceed a 10 Mb maximum file size per upload.
  • Please label your photos as follows: Date (YYYY-MM-DD)_Name of Photographer_Location_Photograph Description. For example: 2020_0401_Jane Smith_Picking up dog doo at Beggs Park Essex NY_ photo 1 of 2. Labeling photos before submitting them is really helpful to ensure we archive and credit them effectively!

*Red astrisk items in the form below are required

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